[A] colorful, eye-popping ode to Halloween [with] sweet messages about friendship. More fun than fright, this story’s lively rhyming text and bold illustrations make it a good choice to read aloud to a group.
—School Library Journal
It's no trick, this book's a treat! Your little monsters will gobble it up!
—Tara Lazar, author of "7 Ate 9"
Halloween night comes to life with rollicking colors in this sweet, deliciously monstrous friendship tale. Trick-or-treating has never been so scrumptious!
—Kim Ventrella, author of "The Secret Life of Sam"
Groggle's Monster Halloween
by Diana Murray
illustrated by Bats Langley
Sky Pony Press, August 2, 2022
ISBN-10: 1510770852
ISBN-13: 978-1510770852
Groggle met Snarlina at her house on Halloween. A swarm of bats was fluttering. The swamp was oozing green. . . .
When Groggle and Snarlina get dressed up to go trick-or-treating, they hope to fill their pails with yummy loot from all their spooky neighbors.
After a quick wardrobe malfunction, which Groggle smartly sets right, they're off to see the werewolf, the witch, the mummy, and the ogre.
But no matter whose house they visit, Groggle just can't control his monster appetite!
Snaaarf! Slobber! Cruncha-muncha!
Crispy bones, lizard tails, spider pops, slugs and snails . . . Groggle gobbles them up before they even land in his pail!
At the end of the night, Snarlina sifts through her treats while Groggle watches on, having eagerly eaten all his treats.
Can friendship save this spooky holiday? Find out in this monster of a tale.